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Hollow Oak

The Hollow Oak at the edge of the forest of Elnrode-Strang is a popular meeting place for young and old. Be it as a stopover on a Sunday walk, the short hike or as a starting point for other activities in the forest – you will enjoy coming back repeatedly. The old tree itself is about 350 years old, some estimates even go up to 500 years, and - as the name suggests - it has a completely hollow trunk. The trunk has a circumference at chest height of just under 7.50 meters. The old English oak is about 20 m high. Its outer appearance is fascinating, as it shows a different face from each side. In 1986 it was declared a natural monument, but this decree was revoked in 2008.


The Atonement Cross

Not far from the Hollow Oak is the Atonement Cross of Elnrode. Atonement crosses (also called atonement stones or murder stones) were erected in the Middle Ages as atonement for a serious sin such as murder or manslaughter. They can mostly be found at waysides. The Atonement Cross of Elnrode, however, is located in the middle of the forest. But it need not always have been so. Nearby is the deserted village of Elnrode. In the past, the Cross of Atonement probably stood in or near an inhabited place. Today, the Cross of Atonement is missing the cross beams, as these were cut off at some point.


From the Hollow Oak you can reach the Cross of Atonement after a short hike. To do this, turn right from there towards the southeast and take the path along the edge of the forest. After about 100 m, follow the fork to the left. Follow the forest road "Neuer Weg" in a curve uphill. Continue straight ahead for about 1000 m until the path ends in a turning loop around a beech tree. From here, follow the path straight ahead for about 30 m into the forest, turn right into the undergrowth at a prominent group of trees on the right side of the path, consisting of 3 birch trees. About another 30 m further on, the cross is on your left.